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Penguin Basics
Penguins are simply birds.
Penguins mate for life.
The chick penguins have fluffly feathers.
Penguins lay eggs.
Penguins do not fly. However, they swim.
They are an unofficial symbol of the United States Libertarian Party.
Penguins usually travel in groups.
Penguins use their wings to be able to swim.
A group of penguins is called rookery or colonies.
Penguins live in the Souther Hemisphere.
There are atleast 18 different species of penguins.
To fill their stomachs, penguins hunt for fish, squid, or shrimp like krill in the oceans.
Most penguins swim about 15miles per hour.
They have insulating layers of air, skin, and blubber. They also open their feather to feel the cold.
Penguins not only live in Antartica but also live in the Coast of South America, South Africa, Southern Australia, New Zealand, and Galapagos. There are as many as 100 million penguins in the world.
Penguins may also be endangered by water pollution, oil spills, and the over harvesting.
Seal Basics
Seals live on both ends of the Earth. And travel in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
There are different types of seal, such as Fur seals, Crabeaters, Leopard seals, Ross seals, Wedell seals and the Southern Elephant that prefer Anartica.
The Harp seal, Hooded seal, and the Ringed seal live in the Arctic.
Seals spend most of their time in the water, searching for food.
On packed ice flows are where they mate, give birth and care for their pups.
More seal species live in Antartica because of the lack of predators (arctic fox and polar bear) and undisturbed food sources.
Seals mostly eat fish. but they also enjoy squid, crustaceans, krill or mussels.
They may dive up to 1,000 feet under the ocean and dig in the seabed.
Seals have sensitive whiskers that can feel movement and excellent eye sight.
Seals have sleek bodies that move swiftly through water.
They have strong teeth and jaws that can easily subdue prey.
The Sea Spider
Giant sea spiders are commonly found in shallow waters. But can be found in Antartica, the Acrtic Ocean, and especially in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas.
They are nearly 1,300 known speacies of the sea spiders, in which were divided into 8 families and 86 genera.
The giant sea spiders walk along the bottom of the water. Or possibly swim using an umbrella motion.
Most sea spiders are carnivorous and fed on sponges, bryozoans, polychaetes and cridarians.
They consist of 8 walking legs and are incredibly long with small bodies. Some species have 5 or 6 legs.
Polar bear Facts
The polar bear is the world's largest carnivore and also the largest bear.
An adult male polar bear weights around 770-1,500 pounds.
The female is about half the size of a male.
The polar bear is closely related to the brown bear.
It can hunt consistently only from sea ice. So they spend much of the year on frozen sea.
They are classified as a vulnerable species.
For thousands of years they have been a key figure in the spiritual, material, and cultural life of Actic indigenous peoples.
In 2008, the polar bear had been listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act by the United States Department of the Interior.
Polar bears are not territorial, unlike grizzly bears.
They often choose to escape rather than fight. The polar bear are normally cautious in confrontations.
If hungry, they may seem unpredictable and can often kill and eat humans. Such attacks are rare due to the low population of human around the Arctic.
Cubs are especially playful.
Some Useful sites for future reference
British Antartic Survey
Cool Antartica